Past Digital Media Learner
”I decided to apply for Blanchardstown CTC because I didn’t do well on my Leaving Certificate. I started with Digital Media Level 3 course. After completing my Major Award at Level 3 I moved onto level 4 course within the centre. Recently, I got accepted into St. Kevin’s College to do a Photography course at level 5. Blanchardstown CTC is really a big help if you want to go to college. The staff will give you any support and guidance that you need and they never get tired –they helped me so many times. I would highly recommend this centre if you don’t know what to do, or you didn’t do well on your Junior or Leaving Certificate. They will help you to set your own goals and will support you to achieve them. Also, the course will give you a chance to do work experience of your choice which helps a lot to increase your confidence”

Past Digital Media Learner
“When I was applying for the digital media course here in Blachardstown Community Training Centre, I was just about finishing my last year of LCA and had no future plans. So applying for digital media was necessary for me. Once I finished LCA and joined this course it was the best thing I’ve done. I love the atmosphere here and the instructors are really nice. Working on digital media was a pleasure because I love technology and working with computers, software, cameras etc. was just ideal. I especially like the fact that the instructors give you guidance and really want to help you and focus on your needs and your learning style. One major thing I noticed is that the centre isn’t boring and you’re not just sitting down and doing work, you can have a laugh and have a nice relationship with the people here instructors included.”

Past Digital Media Learner
“At the age of 16 I dropped out of school, I spent a year doing nothing and the thought of continuing my education was terrifying but I applied for a course in Blanchardstown CTC and hoped for the best. I did a Digital Media course; it was perfect because it had a nice balance of ease and challenging projects, which made learning very engaging.
I can happily say, a year later and with my course completed, it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. In the past year I completed a FETAC Level 4 Major Award, greatly expanded my art portfolio and I was recently accepted into Ballyfermot College of Further Education.
This would have been impossible without the support of the staff, who are always ready to help in any way they can. They treat everyone equally and talk to everybody as adults which creates an open and creative atmosphere, one I have greatly benefitted from. I would highly recommend this course to any young person who is unemployed, or anybody who’d like to broaden their education or employment prospects.
My time in Blanch CTC has given me the kick I need to be invested in my education again and I have Killian and the rest of the staff to thank.”

Past Carering Learner
”My experience in Blanchardstown CTC has helped me accomplish more than I could have imagined. I have completed goals and gained more confidence in myself. Since I have arrived last April (2014) I have interacted socially with people I have worked with and have given me the courage and confidence to prepare myself for the outside world. Overall my experience with Blanchardstown CTC has been helpful and reassuring:)”

Past I.T / Office Skills Learner
”I joined the I.T. course in September 2013. It was one of the best decisions I have made as I learned a lot of new things about using computers. The staff at the training were very respectful, they treat you the way you deserve to be treated. I completed my work experience module and got a job from this.
I would definitely recommend this place -I made lots of friends, nobody judge you, the building is very clean and tidy and the food is very nice.”

Past I.T / Office Skills Learner
I joined the I.T. course in September 2014. I thought I knew everything about computers but I was wrong until I got in here. I did not expect Blanchardstown CTC to be one of the nicest places I have ever been in and it is not hard to make friends. This is one of those places that you can feel comfortable and get along with people you would not think you could. I would definitely recommend this place to anyone because it is one of those places that nobody will judge you and you will get fed as well!
I can happily say, a year later and with my course completed, it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. In the past year I completed a FETAC Level 4 Major Award, greatly expanded my art portfolio and I was recently accepted into Ballyfermot College of Further Education.
This would have been impossible without the support of the staff, who are always ready to help in any way they can. They treat everyone equally and talk to everybody as adults which creates an open and creative atmosphere, one I have greatly benefitted from. I would highly recommend this course to any young person who is unemployed, or anybody who’d like to broaden their education or employment prospects.
My time in Blanch CTC has given me the kick I need to be invested in my education again and I have Killian and the rest of the staff to thank.”